Educators are tired of empty promises and meaningless rhetoric. Besides the poor working conditions and insufficient pay, educators also face a chronic lack of respect and esteem. Fully aware of this reality, the UPE left its members free to join the strike even though the conditions being negotiated are not known. Educators have every right to feel disillusioned and express their protest.
“…the UPE left its members free to join the strike even though the conditions being negotiated are not known.”
Educators are still bound by an outdated and miserable agreement imposed upon them by the other union in 2017. To make matters worse, educators’ workload increased significantly since the introduction of the Learning Outcome Framework (LOF), which the other union accepted soon after signing that infamous agreement. Meanwhile, additional duties continued to be imposed on them with the connivance of the other union.
“It is time to acknowledge educators’ intelligence.”
Educators deserve better! They deserve improved working conditions, better pay, and, above all, greater respect for their professional dignity. It is time to acknowledge educators’ intelligence. Empty promises and secrecy are not acceptable, and this applies equally to the government and the other union.
Educators must not be let down again!