The Union of Professional Educators (UPE) has observed the recent developments concerning the sectoral agreement currently under negotiation by the MUT and the Government.
The Union would like to make the following remarks:
The MUT and the Government have already agreed on the financials and the text back on the 24th of May 2024, as stated in a joint press release by both parties.
Times of Malta on the 24th of May 2024 “Government and teachers’ union reach agreement on collective agreement deal”
This deal was later confirmed to the members of the MUT, after it failed to secure a positive outcome in the presentation of the collective agreement. It was made clear that nothing can be changed;
3rd June 2024 – MUT correspondence “It-tibdil hu limitat u ma jistax jinbidel il-qafas tal-ftehim, speċjalment l-aspett finanzjarju, li għall-gvern hu wieħed finali.”
For this reason the UPE and many educators are questioning why is MUT calling for a vote when all has been already agreed and when nothing can be changed? Or is this a membership fishing expedition? The timing coincides with the start of the summer recess when interest is low and many are preoccupied with the holiday season
It is evident that the MUT leadership committed to the agreement on the 24th of May, leaving little room for further adjustments.
Once again, educators feel deceived by the MUT, as the agreed package does not meet the expectations of the educators.