The Union of Professional Educators would like to forward instructions to VET Teachers who are members of the UPE in relation to the latest communication sent by MATSEC regarding the first external verification visit for 2021.
It is to be pointed out that the timeframes usually set for the collection, correction and verification of assignments could not be respected during this scholastic year due to the fact that both teachers and students have had to face multiple quarantine periods.
The meetings held by MATSEC address SMT and VET nominees but not the teachers who could have actually indicated the real scenario which was being faced in schools.
External verification has always been done on printed documents and within schools. Teachers have also never been asked to upload any material in this regard.
The time frame established by MATSEC, which has a deadline set for next Tuesday the 23rd of March 2021, where teachers are being expected to upload the verification material, is surreal. It is also to be borne in mind, that with no indication of this request for upload announced, some teachers have left material requiring external verification at their respective schools, and are thus not in a position to retrieve the required material with schools being closed.
Schools are currently empty, therefore the uploads related to the verification process could have been planned to take place within the school itself during these days where no students and teaching staff are present on site. MATSEC was also fully aware that external verification would have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and thus the whole process should have been planned better.
For this reason, the UPE has contacted MATSEC and has explained the situation mentioned above. It was agreed that should any teacher not be able to submit assignment 1 on time, due to various issues related to the current pandemic, one is to contact the school directly via email, with MATSEC in Cc, explaining the situation.
When it comes to scanning and uploading documents, as stated within the circular, one can opt to physically present all the necessary documentation at school and have the VET Nominee upload it.
VET teachers who are members of the UPE, and who are finding difficulty with any of the above-mentioned instructions are to contact the UPE promptly.