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UPE Articles

UPE Issues Directives to Members at MCAST

Discriminatory Treatment Among Educators and Lack of Information on the Collective Agreement

The Union of Professional Educators (UPE) has been informed by its members at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) that while no lectures will be held next week, Learning Support Educators (LSEs) are still required to attend their respective institutes, this also happened in the previous semester. This decision comes amid concerns raised about the differing treatment of educators within the college system.

It is also important to note that the delay in the collective agreement is concerning, and that MCAST and the State need to update staff on the ongoing progress. It is crucial that the employer informs its employees of the benefits it intends to introduce and the changes it expects to implement in the coming years. This is necessary as MCAST educators have been left in the dark for far too long.

“…the collective agreement is concerning, and that MCAST and the State need to update staff on the ongoing progress.”

In response to these ongoing concerns, the UPE has announced a series of directives aimed at its members, effective from Monday, 23rd September 2024.

The following directives have been issued:

1. Members of the UPE working as LSEs at MCAST are not to accompany, guide, or stay with students during orientation visits.

2. Members of the lecturing grades (applicable to both full-time and part-time lecturers) are to limit communication with students and refrain from communicating with Administration/Management. Lecturing grades are directed to restrict communication with students strictly to scheduled lectures and designated contact hours. This includes refraining from communication through email, MS Teams, or any other online platforms outside of these scheduled times. Furthermore, lecturing grades are instructed not to engage in communication with Administration and Management via telephone, email, MS Teams, or any other online platform.

3. Members of the lecturing grades (applicable to both full-time and part-time lecturers) and LSEs of the UPE are not to attend staff meetings or MCAST CPD meetings. IVCs should abstain from attending meetings with management, including the Board of Studies meetings, except for those that are timetabled and part of the lecturers’ contact teaching load.

4. Members of the lecturing grades (applicable to both full-time and part-time lecturers) and LSEs of the UPE are to refrain from taking class attendance.

5. Members of the lecturing grades (applicable to both full-time and part-time lecturers) and LSEs of the UPE are not to communicate physically or virtually with Management and Administration. This also includes not acting upon any communication from Management and Administration in any form, including email, phone, meetings, online, etc.

The UPE acknowledges that previous directives issued on 7th May 2024 remain active. 

The union hopes that a resolution will be reached in the coming days that benefits all parties involved.

To join the Union of Professional Educators today for support and guidance, visit For further assistance, contact us on +356 2122 1252 or 9994 6582. 

Members who receive any undue pressure not to adhere to the directives are requested to contact the UPE.

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