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UPE Articles

Trade Dispute & Directives – Hamrun Secondary Educators left in the lurch – UPE seeks a safe environment 

The UPE has been following the deteriorating situation at the Hamrun Secondary School for many months. Several media outlets have reported on the disastrous state of affairs, typified by bullies creating havoc and mayhem among students and educators alike. 

A meeting was recently held with staff members to discuss the situation. The consensus was that the school system had to all intents and purposes collapsed with no effective disciplinary action undertaken by the Education Ministry. Moreover, the ongoing lack of communication between members of staff and the SMT has resulted in an untenable situation.  Staff members are not aware of any progress in disciplinary procedures against several students of the College. 

Lack of human resources is another significant issue within the Hamrun school. Educators cannot cope with supervision duties due to in-school fighting among students. The school has relaxed its discipline policy by allowing students to attend school in make-up and casual clothes, yet this has apparently had no positive outcome, with bullying incidents continuing to be rife.

It has been reported that teachers are allegedly having their class attendance altered by the school’s office. Absent students have been marked as present. If this practice has indeed taken place, it is incumbent on the UPE to highlight the illegality and criminal nature of such actions under Maltese law. 

The UPE has been greatly concerned by the current negative developments at Hamrun and has now registered a trade dispute. The following directives pertain to UPE members working in Hamrun Secondary School ONLY.

Members of the UPE working at Hamrun Secondary School are not to fill in or submit online or written class attendance. A written record should be taken for the teacher’s personal use. 

Members of the UPE working at Hamrun Secondary School are not to give a lesson if problematic/challenging/disruptive students are present in the classroom. The lesson should not take place for the duration of the period; during this time the teacher is to supervise the class by standing by the door. 

The Union calls on the Children’s Commissioner to act promptly by applying the necessary pressure on the Ministry of Education and Sport so that students find themselves in a safe learning environment without fear of being bullied or harmed in any way. 

Parents of students attending Hamrun Secondary are being asked by the Union to report bullying incidents directly to the Minister by emailing him on

If the authorities fail to find a resolution by the end of the week, the Union will consider further action. 

Should any union member have any further queries on this issue or any other, please contact us on 99946582 or 21221252/6/8 or via email at

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