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UPE Articles

The Secret Collective Agreement

Months after the signing of the collective agreement, there is still no sign that the MUT will publish the agreed text. 

This secret document, which reflects the working conditions of thousands of educators, is being unjustly, if not illegally, withheld. 

Every worker, even those who are not part of a union, is entitled to a copy of their working conditions in order to understand exactly what is expected of them when they return to work. 

The UPE has been informed by ministerial officials that there are no plans to publish the agreed text for its workers. 

“Every worker, even those who are not part of a union, is entitled to a copy of their working conditions…”

On the other hand, educators have told the UPE that when they contacted the MUT, they were allegedly instructed to set an appointment to view selected parts of the text under supervision. It was allegedly made clear that no copies or photographs of the text would be permitted. Educators have realised that this is merely a tactic to entice members. 

These desperate strategies employed by the MUT to allegedly recruit members can be seen as a futile attempt to retain its seemingly dwindling membership base.

Once again, educators have been deceived into accepting an unknown collective agreement, which the vast majority of educators have neither seen nor approved. 

The mystery surrounding the contents of the agreement only fuels speculation and continues to raise more questions. Could its contents potentially upset educators in general? Are there clauses within the agreement that might surprise us in the coming weeks and months?

“The mystery surrounding the contents of the agreement only fuels speculation and continues to raise more questions.”

All these questions remain unanswered unless the text is published in its entirety. 

The MUT has clearly not learned anything about transparency!

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