The Union of Professional Educators (UPE) is keeping close tabs on the MEDE’s deployment strategy. Given the current situation, peripatetic teachers might once again be denied the teaching of their own specialised subject in order to fill the gap created by missing teachers in the primary sector.
If this situation does transpire, it will, unfortunately but not unsurprisingly, go against the promise made by the Ministry that last year’s deployment to class was only meant for the 2020/2021 scholastic year. As stated earlier this week on various news portals, schools are expected to adopt the same restrictive measures for the coming year, although this is still unconfirmed since the Ministry has not yet been given the green light by Public Health.
The UPE would like to make it absolutely clear that were peripatetic teachers to be subjected to the same treatment as occurred in the last scholastic year, it will not hesitate to issue directives accordingly in order to protect the interests of our members.
Should any union member have any further queries on the issue, please contact us on 21221252/6/8, or via email at