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UPE Articles

MCAST Update: Lecturers Should Ask These Questions

Educators at MCAST have been left bereft of a collective agreement for three years. They are urged to question the MUT’s procrastination tactics, which have resulted in subpar conditions for such an extended period.

While efficiency and effectiveness have never been the hallmarks of the MUT, educators should scrutinise the true motives behind their overdue agreement. 

What are the genuine reasons why the MUT is once again finding it difficult to conclude an agreement? 

Are these reasons actually related to the educators’ working conditions, or is the MUT introducing extraneous factors into the equation? 

Are educators at MCAST being used as bargaining chips for reasons that go beyond the negotiation of their working conditions? 

Are they adequately informed about the actual points of contention? 

Is there a timeframe for the conclusion of the agreement, or is it still uncertain? 

Most importantly, if and when the agreement is signed, will it be made available to the educators concerned, or will it be withheld from them, as was the case with the MUT State Schools agreement? 

In an atmosphere of utmost secrecy and opacity, these legitimate questions deserve answers! 

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